Welcome to my blog!

Hello! Welcome! Family life here in Southern PA is my joy!!! We moved here all the way from AZ in 2006 after a visit here in 2004 where we fell in love with the area. Plain and simple we took a leap of faith. We took 2 years to make the decision to move and it was right on! We have not been sorry for one minute.

We joined the Quaker faith, it's a good fit. Our children attend public school. They enjoy each day and have learned a great deal. We believe however, that what happens outside the classroom is just as important for their futures. We want those experiences to be nurturing and wonderful.

Tim and I have been married 13.5 years! Oh my. We have been parents since 1997 when our first child was born. We became foster parents in 2005 and adoptive parents 2007. We continue to foster children in our home with placements through the county. So far we have had 9 foster children. We will adopt again and hopefully soon!

The theme of my Blog...."Teach only love" is also the name of a book by G. Jampolsky and also from the "Course in Miracles" it's not my main philosophy in life but I have been drawn to it as well as other philosophies that are similar.

Teach Only Love Because That Is What You Are!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I have been tagged...

I've been tagged by Pep! Please visit her Blog at http://peprmntpatti120.blogspot.com/
Once tagged, link back to the person who tagged you. Post the rules on your blog. Post 7 random or weird facts about yourself on your blog. Tag 7 people and link to them. Comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged.

7 random things about me...

I've seen snakes near my home AZ, had one in my house in AZ and lived through the fear to talk about it. A rattler no less /faint!

I am/was a licensed Substance Abuse Counselor (was because I let it lapse once I decided to stay home with kiddos)

I love Sushi!

I drink tea every day... have not had coffee in about 10 years.

My favorite color (I guess it's not a color though?) is black. I find it warm and safe and expansive!

My secret ambition has been to work as a Barista and a coffee hub, maybe even own one of those great places... they are great places where people gather

I really want to be able to dance and sing (at this point it's something I'm working towards and I'm not very good at it)

I will post later those I tag because Pep tagged the only people I know with Blogs. I'm so new to this that I don't know that many people with blogs. I may have to meet some new bloggers : )

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