Welcome to my blog!

Hello! Welcome! Family life here in Southern PA is my joy!!! We moved here all the way from AZ in 2006 after a visit here in 2004 where we fell in love with the area. Plain and simple we took a leap of faith. We took 2 years to make the decision to move and it was right on! We have not been sorry for one minute.

We joined the Quaker faith, it's a good fit. Our children attend public school. They enjoy each day and have learned a great deal. We believe however, that what happens outside the classroom is just as important for their futures. We want those experiences to be nurturing and wonderful.

Tim and I have been married 13.5 years! Oh my. We have been parents since 1997 when our first child was born. We became foster parents in 2005 and adoptive parents 2007. We continue to foster children in our home with placements through the county. So far we have had 9 foster children. We will adopt again and hopefully soon!

The theme of my Blog...."Teach only love" is also the name of a book by G. Jampolsky and also from the "Course in Miracles" it's not my main philosophy in life but I have been drawn to it as well as other philosophies that are similar.

Teach Only Love Because That Is What You Are!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Purging my mind on a Friday morning...

Just got up at 5 a.m. took myself out for a really bad cup of coffee at a local convenience store (Starbuck doesn't open until 7 a.m.) so that I could talk on the phone to someone in Phoenix at 8:30. Problem! the time is behind and not ahead so I called them at 2:30 a.m. and not 8:30 a.m. Duh! So here I am trying to work through a post that I started a week ago. I have been saying I wished I had more time in the mornings to do some things alone before the kids get up. Well I got it here. I drove around for a half hour before I realized what I was doing. I call it the "toddled brain syndrome". With 4 of them in my home right now I find myself a little off kilter.

Finished off the summer. Aquarium visit, weekly meetings with Early Intervention for K and J our youngest foster children, time at the mall, time at our cottage (one grueling but fun week when my mom visited), a visit from my mother (whinge!!).

Well school has started. We've been in the swing for about 3 weeks now. It's going well for the girls. I haven't heard either of them say they didn't want to go in the early a.m. which makes it easier to get up and get motivated. I know I won't be fighting with them.

Just a quick emotional rant here: This blog is my happy place but sometimes I need to vent my spleen. I'm so tired of radical politics I could scream. Joe Wilson. I posted a reply in a NYT article (on-line) stating I'm more afraid of his ilk than I ever could be of foreign terrorism.

I'm looking for a way lately to get my balance. I often feel my life depends on it. Not that I won't live if I don't... it's that I won't be exactly feeling alive and well. God Bless my little angels. I love them to bits but I need to find a way to balance some activities for all of us. It's possible and I'm working on it.


kyooty said...

You got to go with the flow. I think sometimes over planning can really mess us up more then anything. Remember the SOMA (sit on my ass) time.

Together We Save said...

Good luck with the balancing act. Sounds like you are a wonderful mother.