Welcome to my blog!

Hello! Welcome! Family life here in Southern PA is my joy!!! We moved here all the way from AZ in 2006 after a visit here in 2004 where we fell in love with the area. Plain and simple we took a leap of faith. We took 2 years to make the decision to move and it was right on! We have not been sorry for one minute.

We joined the Quaker faith, it's a good fit. Our children attend public school. They enjoy each day and have learned a great deal. We believe however, that what happens outside the classroom is just as important for their futures. We want those experiences to be nurturing and wonderful.

Tim and I have been married 13.5 years! Oh my. We have been parents since 1997 when our first child was born. We became foster parents in 2005 and adoptive parents 2007. We continue to foster children in our home with placements through the county. So far we have had 9 foster children. We will adopt again and hopefully soon!

The theme of my Blog...."Teach only love" is also the name of a book by G. Jampolsky and also from the "Course in Miracles" it's not my main philosophy in life but I have been drawn to it as well as other philosophies that are similar.

Teach Only Love Because That Is What You Are!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Positive versus Negative or Reality?

Discussion that has evolved over time on Facebook with a few friends. Does positive thinking or Optimism lead to a better life or is it just a way to avoid reality (or something along those lines)? I do appreciate Facebook for bringing me closer to the discovery of cross cultural, multi-religious (or non-religious), across the political spectrum lifestyles. It has brought me You-Tubes as well that range from extremely banal and stupid to those with more deeply crusty subjects. It has kept me in touch with friends I probably would have never reached out to again... it has with the touch of a button on my computer given me the thought of the day around the world. With that said...

There was an article in the NYT Opinion posts that brings to light the positive thinking movement has it's down side as well as detractors. I AM a fan of positive thinking and optimism so this article caught my eye. The writer was talking about health outcomes more than life outcomes... I'm not certain the article has much meaning overall.

I do have to say though that the positive thinking focus can have it's downside.
I would agree that we aren't all dealt a good hand just because we have led a "good" life or come from a "good" family. On the other hand we are not marked for a bad life if we have otherwise made mistakes and knowingly faltered along the path of the righteousness (don't tell my Catholic mother I said that). I've watched good people die... I've seen those who don't seem to care much live a long alcohol/drug soaked life... I've seen good people fall off the wagon and kill others (this is very painful to reconcile)or lose a child violently (as well mind boggling) and I've seen people who had totally selfish pursuits find the God (good) of their understanding and rise up out of the disaster of their own making. It's a mixed bag. Just what is positive and negative as well can have a broad range of definition. Just as life span doesn't mean we have done it right (or wrong)... the meaning of a good life doesn't often come carefully defined and death isn't necessarily a negative.

I really appreciate the discussion overall... thoughts?


kyooty said...

Now that's way deep. I think I'm mostly positive because I live with mr pessimistic so I've got to balance that?

Anne said...

I've encountered a few people I really like who are very down on postiives... at first I was really upset about it but I do enjoy a good all out negative conversation "let's trash....." but at the same time I can't stick with a downer for long. I have to believe in positive outcomes although it's okay to be upset about upsetting things. I wonder if we are all talking about the same ideas of negativity now that I'm writing about it. The article is... http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/25/opinion/25sloan.html?nl=todaysheadlines&emc=tha212